How to write speech essay
Blackfish Seaworld Research Paper Topic
Friday, August 28, 2020
Modern American History: From the Second World War to Today. Essay
War is a pulverize machine utilized by each country from Third World nations to Global Empires all through world’s history. This article will endeavor to audit Modern American History from the World War II to introduce day. Key zones will be test are 1) energy and publicity utilized by the legislature during wartime, 2) the job of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) upholding residential laws during the Cold War time of American history, 3) the mediates of the United States abroad in numerous perspectives from increasing key focal points, control of common assets, dismiss of severe governments, the spread of political and strict framework, and business personal circumstance, to 4) how the media shapes our verifiable world over a wide span of time. The last section infuses an individual view. At the point when American battles against another nation, one of the most basic viewpoints its pioneers must make certain is the people’s backing of the war. This standard open backings empower the nation to raise assets and funds the war. To see how system can accomplish such a powerful factor and ensures its prosperity, we have to audit Susan Brewer’s work. Through her book, title - Why America Fights: Patriotism and War Propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq, we’ll talk about the multifaceted job of the American media in molding of open recognition during times of war. We’ll dismember the job of war purposeful publicity, and the methods by which the military, and the media, participated in making the war satisfactory to the American open, by alluding to Why Viet Nam (Brewer section 5) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (Brewer part 6). â€Å"If opportunity is to make due in any American old neighborhood it must be safeguarded in such places as South Viet Na m†President Lyndon B. Joh... ...endent from outside organizations who are controlling the country’s assets. To begin with, there is â€Å"the syndication held by Electric Bond and Share†(Kinzer 132). Second, there is â€Å"the International Railways of Central America, which claimed almost all the country’s rail lines, including the sole connection between the capital and the Atlantic port of Puerto Barrios †the vast majority of which is likewise owned†(Kinzer 132). Third, there is â€Å"the United Fruit, which possessed in excess of 550,000 sections of land, around one-fifth of the country’s arable land†(Kinzer 133). He did what he set out to do and that is to pass the â€Å"Agrarian Reform Law,†explicitly focusing on these private enterprises. Toward the end, his activities prompted unfriendly outcomes that drive him to leave his administration. Indochina, the French government has colonized Viet Nam in the nineteenth century for its characteristic asse ts of elastic (Kinzer 150).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Avoiding Taxes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Maintaining a strategic distance from Taxes - Essay Example The US government forms process requires the US residents to pay charge on the earnings they procure everywhere throughout the world. The US residents are required to pay personal charges on their overall pay independent of the reality whether they visited the US land lately or in the ongoing decades. This prompted the revoking of US citizenship by the US individuals which has expanded from 231 of every 2008 to 1781 out of 2011. By surrendering US citizenship, the individuals of US or individuals dwelling abroad can decrease their duty risk as they are not required to follow the extensive procedure of US assessment forms (Yoshov, 2007). The expense obligation is likewise diminished as the charges on overall pay are decreased as an impact of disavowing the US citizenship. Along these lines the general assessment risk is decreased because of disavowing of US citizenship by individuals particularly in US and furthermore by individuals holding US citizenship and living abroad. Duty obligation: Effects of double citizenship Numerous individuals having US citizenship have moved to different nations where they likewise hold a citizenship of that nation. Britain and Wales comprises the most elevated number of US residents everywhere throughout the world. These individuals have double citizenship in both the US just as in another nation like England. The impact of double citizenship is, be that as it may, entangled as the individuals are required to pay charges to both the US government also to the Inland Revenue System of the nation of home. Along these lines the impact of double citizenship doesn't help the individuals dressed in lessening their assessment obligation. In view of the US citizenship, the individuals are required to pay charges for the overall salary. Aside from this, the US residents are likewise required to pay charges to the host nation where they have relocated and are winning their pay (Patterson, 2006). Aside from this, the double citizenship would likewise implement the US residents t o pay capital increases duty to the US government in the event that they sell their properties in another nation which is their primary home. Along these lines double citizenship would make the assessment obligation progressively entangled. Examination: Effects of revoking US citizenship to building up double citizenship The impact on charge obligation of the pay earned by the individuals having US citizenship could be contrasted with the individuals having double citizenship. The demonstration of denying the US citizenship is a substantially more satisfactory alternative as the individuals would not be required to pay charges for more than once for just a single salary. By surrendering the US citizenship, the individuals would not be required to pay burdens on their overall pay. They would just be required to pay charges to the host government for the salary that they have earned on their property. The revoking of US citizenship, in any case, includes a one time cost as the US resi dents should finish a US assessment form for a long time. There are likewise lawful costs required for the procedure of movement. Then again, double citizenship would make the expense obligation significantly more convoluted (CCH Incorporated, 2007). The resident would need to pay personal duties to the US government regardless of where they have earned their pay. The offer of properties in the nation of home would require the residents to pay capital increases expense to the US government. Aside from this, the resident would likewise require to pay charges to the host government for the pay earned in the host nation which is their real living arrangement. Consequently from the point of view of decrease of duty obligation, double citizenship would be progressively confounded when contrasted with repudiating of US citizenship. Choice on denying citizenship versus double citizenship From an individual point of view, repudiating US citizenship would be a lot simpler when contrasted wit h taking up double citizenship. From the view purpose of decrease of t
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hierarchy and the Disorder of Separation in the Bible :: Free Essay Writer
Chain of importance and the Disorder of Separation in the Bible Appropriate Hierarchy and the Disorder of Separation All through the content of the Bible, and particularly apparent in Chapter 3 of Genesis, there is a framework which God has set up to indicate the best possible connections every one of his manifestations share with one another and with Him. An examination of this reoccurring subject will assist with building up that God’s expected framework is a progression wherein there is an allocation of â€Å"servants†and â€Å"masters,†with God having the last position. This theme is first presented in part 1 of Genesis where God sees that His manifestations are â€Å"good,†previously setting up a better quality, â€Å"good,†from a lower one, â€Å"bad.†In the framework that follows, the pecking order runs with God premier as the maker; at that point people come next as docile to God, yet are placed responsible for administering all the â€Å"lesser creatures;†and afterward the various creatures, who feed on the vegetation of the land. We s ee that the aim of the author(s) was not to advance a confidence in equity, yet rather standards administering an exceptionally sorted out structure isolating the individuals who serve and the individuals who rule. Section three depicts the fall of both man and lady by God who states and keeps up the connections inside the chain of command. In light of their activities, God rebuffs Adam, Eve, and the snake. It is additionally intriguing to take note of that when God draws near, at that point interrogates Adam regarding whether he ate the natural product, His development quickly infers that God will take man’s word first over lady, and over every single other animal. By and by we see particular degrees of significance among the three: God esteems the man’s word first, as he is made in the similarity of Him; the lady second, since she is Adams subsidiary; at that point the snake, whom God will hear last, as for this situation. At the point when Adam reacts to God’s request, rather than tolerating any type of duty, he tells God of how Eve had given the natural product to him - â€Å"It was the lady you provided for be with me who gave the me the organic product from the tree, and I ate it.†(Genesis 3:12) Adam, rather than tolerating the obligation regarding his activities, accuses both Eve and God for his deplorable activities. Moreover when Eve gets the fault, she ascribes her misguided thinking to the snake, which she asserts â€Å"deceived [her] into eating it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Hidden Treasure of Psychology Thesis
The Hidden Treasure of Psychology Thesis Psychology Thesis - Dead or Alive? Psychology proposal is quite important portion of the dissertation paper. The thesis has to be adequately supported by the content in the last paper. The subject of the thesis project is decided along with the thesis adviser, who's knowledgeable in the specific domain of the research and who will advise the student on every phase. PhD research takes a subject area to really research and you'll be encouraged to select your topic area very carefully. Want to Know More About Psychology Thesis? In brief, a thesis is a detailed overview of the student's work and experience. Your instructor can provide some great suggestions that you may not have thought of previously. As a result, if you prefer to prepare your psychology thesis papers at the graduation or post graduation degree, you must throw focus on particular regions of interest. In some instances, students simply devise the study and imagine the po tential results that may occur. What You Must Know About Psychology Thesis Finding the proper psychology experiment idea can be challenging, but since you can see there are lots of great methods to produce inspiration. Among the most exciting things about sports psychology is it is not only about athletes and coaches. A recent study showed that people who utter self-affirmations might be less inclined to follow a goal once they experience failure. Suppose your preferred field is child psychology then you could select a topic like effect of divorce on a young child. Top Choices of Psychology Thesis You can concentrate on the effects of the subsequent topics on the nature and development of a kid, adult or elderly. Identifying the learning pattern of children can result in a very good outcome. Do extensive researches to find out what kind of topic will provide you with comfort to explain with much clarity. As an example, many students gain from short freewriting sessions that enable them to think through problems and produce solutions in a stress-free way. The Do's and Don'ts of Psychology Thesis Psychology is an intriguing area of study that covers many locations, so every student can select an exciting idea for her or his dissertation. It is the vast research area and you will have to study deeply to write psychology thesis. It is a very broad and diverse field of study, and you can find a variety of lists of possible topics for psychology essay papers online. Clinical psychology is just one of the most well-known subfields within psychology. The better part of the psychology sub-fields are rather broad, making researching on it extremely problematic. It's also intersubdisciplinary as it encompasses all the standard subdisciplines of psychology. Certainly, psychology is among the most intriguing branches of science out there. Because general psychology classes cover such a wide selection of topics, you have a huge range of subject ideas to pick from. What You Must Know About Psychology Thesis The essay isn't as scary as it looks. The research question has to be clear and focused so the reader knows just what the student is investigating. Your thesis idea ought to be one which can be backed by means of a lot of verified data. You will need to read a whole lot whilst doing research for your academic essay, and it is going to take a lot of time and energy. New Questions About Psychology Thesis You will talk about the concept of the undertaking. Just don't forget that it's really hard to modify your topic as soon a s you have already started writing, so go at your own pace in choosing it in the very first location. After all, should you not choose something that's of interest to you are you truly likely to have the ability to maintain your interest for the upcoming several decades. Pick one that intrigues you, or that you've already researched about because you've got an outstanding interest within it. The New Fuss About Psychology Thesis If you think that a paid firm is the best suited to give you a listing of the absolute most apt organizational psychology research topic ideas, think about contacting us and you are going to be assisted professionally. Make certain there are enough online sources on this issue you've chosen. For instance, you might start with deciding that you would like to compose your paper on a topic within a particular branch of psychology. You will have the ability to spot a great research topic idea that's unique and impressing. The very first step in looking for a superb dissertation topic on psychology is to dedicate a little time and research for a topic one is acquainted with. As soon as you've finalized the topic for your clinical psychology undertaking, the next thing to do is to begin researching. Narrow down from there and focus on what you would like to say about the subject. To settle on a topic from general psychology, you should pick any topic you enjoy and then begin narrowing it down. You don't need to select a topic that's so general that you truly feel overwhelmed, but you also don't wish to pick a topic that's so specific that you are feeling limited or not able to find details about it. If you locate an overall research topic interesting, you will likely end up asking a selection of questions regarding the subject and about the data that you're collecting and analyzing.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Pan Africanism For Beginners - 1829 Words
The Pan-African movement as described in Lemelle’s Pan-Africanism for Beginners is a set of ideas and ideologies containing social and cultural, political and economic, material and spiritual aspects. Each aspect is accompanied by a plethora of historical figures and terms unique to the movement, well described throughout the text and in the presented glossary. This book makes it easy to understand all the information accompanying each topic. While it does have its strengths and weaknesses, this book as a whole creates and explains a diverse scope of information. It describes the beginnings of Pan-Africanism and shows how the beliefs of many influential people have stemmed from notions and dreams of years passed. As a learning experience, Lemelle s Pan-Africanism for Beginners provides a strong broad base of knowledge. Instead of concentrating on the specifics of Pan-Africanism, this book covers a broad range of aspects, from the Diaspora to Garveyism to the Harlem Renaissance. Because there are so many people and movements associated with Pan-Africanism, it is nearly impossible to go into detail about every important event in one book. Even so, Lemelle does a good job at providing enough detail on each topic, while still conveying how complex Pan-Africanism is. By including many facets of Pan-Africanism, Lemelle is able to spark an interest in the reader so that they can continue onto more specific research. For instance, when Lemelle explained the Conference ofShow MoreRelatedThe Pan Africanism For Beginners1823 Words  | 8 Pages The Pan-African movement as described in Lemelle’s Pan-Africanism for Beginners is a set of ideas and ideologies containing social and cultural, politi cal and economic, material and spiritual aspects. Each aspect is accompanied by a plethora of historical figures and terms unique to the movement described thoroughly in the text and the presented glossary. The piece makes it easy to understand all the information accompanying each topic. While it does have its strengths and weaknesses, the bookRead MorePan Africanism For Beginners Essay1481 Words  | 6 PagesSid Lemelle hoped for his book, Pan-Africanism for Beginners, to be a comprehensive guide to the complex concept of Pan-Africanism. Lemelle begins the book by broadly defining Pan-Africanism to mean the inclusion of â€Å"all people of African ancestry living in continental Africa and throughout the world.†This definition sets the foundation for his analysis of Pan-Africanism. Pan-Africanism for Beginners explores the major leaders and events associated with Pan-African sentiments chronologically. The
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Comparison and Contrast of Poe’s Fiction to Hawthorne’s
Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne were writers of the American gothic genre. They both used the elements of horror and mystery in their writing styles, writing about the dark side of humanity and the evil that lives within the human mind. Gothic writing focuses on the dark side of humanity and both Poe and Hawthorne captured this style well in their use of themes, symbols, and narration that focused on darkness and evil with their characters fighting various psychological issues. However, Poe’s stories are told in the first person narrative and he focuses on one human psychological effect, looking at man’s thoughts from within his mind and how his behavior then affects his surroundings. He also tends to build a sense on impending doom somewhat stronger than Hawthorne. Hawthorne, on the other hand uses the third person and focuses more on how man’s thoughts and behaviors are the results of what is happening around him. His stories also tend to be more of a r omantic nature than Poe’s and he tends to create stories of conflicting interpretations to share lessons of life. Both Poe and Hawthorne used symbolism to tell their stories. In The Tell-Tale Heart, Poe uses a number of symbols such as the old man’s eye and heart. The narrator compares the old man’s eye to the eye of a vulture. It seems dull with something like a film over it, obscuring clear vision, but at the same time it has power over the narrator. He states that the old man’s eye â€Å"the eye of a vulture†¦.wheneverShow MoreRelatedPoe Hawthorne949 Words  | 4 PagesComparison/ Contrast of Poe/ Hawthorne Poe and Hawthorne are the most significant American writers of 19th century. They have their own way of relating to their audiences that’s varied and similar at the same time. Poe’s writing involves the reader emotionally. Hawthorne on the other hand considers author’s imagination important and paints a picture based on it. These innovative thoughts and experimentations in language have forever changed what we appreciate in writing. Poe and HawthorneRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 PagesPlot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a short story. Events of any kind, of course, inevitably involve people, and for this reason it is virtually impossible to discuss plot in isolation from character. Character and plot are, in fact, intimately and reciprocally related, especially in modern fiction. A major function of plot can be said to beRead MoreLecture on Short Story5432 Words  | 22 PagesAllan Poe, take the ancestral intensity of the myth and folk tale to write condensed studies of human behaviour that attempt to reveal the most enigmatic, and in Poe’s case, darkest impulses behind human behaviour. It is useful to consider the revelatory nature of the short story as crucial to an understanding of this genre. A comparison with the novel can shed some light on this point. Novels are invested in a process or development: they follow the unfolding of a character (or characters) through
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Clil free essay sample
These weak points have caused the search for a new approach. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is the new approach that tries to provide innovative solutions to the current problems language teaching approaches face. The purpose of this assignment is to analyse if CLIL can be considered the approach for the future. This analysis will consist of the following sections. The first section looks at the definition of CLIL. Section 2 deals with the context where CLIL takes place that is an international and a local perspective. The third looks at the problems for implementing this approach in our context: Peru. Section 4 looks at the advantages of CLIL. Finally, some conclusions about the CLIL’s situation for the future will be provided. According to David Graddol in Ball (2012, p. 17), CLIL is â€Å"an approach to bilingual education in which both curriculum content and English are taught together. It differs from simple English-medium education in that the learner is not necessarily expected to have the English proficiency required to cope with the subject before beginning study. Graddol states that the focus on learning is on the content (subjects such as history or science) as well as English which is considered a vehicle for learning content. He also emphasizes the fact that students do not need to be language proficient to learn the content because they will pick up the language when studying the subject in a meaningful, contextualized and natural way. We consider that by learning language through content, students will benefit as they do not have to worry consciously about the structures and grammar. Sometimes being too aware of structures can demotivate students. In this way, CLIL offers a new way of learning English through content; however we believe it is important to consider the context where it takes place because it will have an impact on how successful students will be at learning the foreign language. For the purpose of this assignment, we have considered 2 contexts: the international context focusing especially on the European Union (EU) and our country: Peru. We believe that the EU is the ideal place for CLIL for its linguistic policy, the exposure to English and socioeconomics and geographical features. In 1995, a new linguistic policy based on plurilingualism was adopted. All European citizens should speak 2 foreign languages by the time they finish their compulsory studies. (Ball: 2012). This policy caused the improvement of foreign language teaching and methods. In such a context, students are encouraged to study foreign languages by the State which also worries about the methods used and the teachers’ training. In addition to the linguistic policy, students are exposed to English everywhere: in the streets, in the schools, etc, which helps them not only reinforce what they are learning at school but also learn new language features. Finally, the EU is a context where all countries are closely connected by geography and economics. In a context like this, students and teachers feel comfortable using CLIL because they have the necessary tools to take advantage of this new approach: easy access to the language everywhere and the linguistic policy which fosters learning foreign languages. We believe that the State plays an important role when implementing this new linguistic policy as it provides the necessary resources for its implementation such as teachers’ training as well as the funding. In the EU, CLIL can work well and can be considered the future for the future mainly because of its linguistic policy. Whereas plurilingualism is fostered in the EU, the reality in Peru about linguistic policy is completely different. In Peru, there is an enormous difference in the quality of education between the public and private schools. In the former, it is mandatory to teach English only 2 hours per week in the high school whereas in the latter, students are exposed to more than 2 hours per week and in some cases, the schools are bilingual. In addition to the difference of teaching hours, there is also a huge difference in other topics such as materials, infrastructure, methodology, teachers’ proficiency and training, teachers’ salary among others. These differences have an impact on students’ learning. While the implementation of CLIL in the EU is imminent, there are some issues to consider regarding Peruvian educational context. First, culture is an important issue to contemplate. We agree with the idea that there? s a cultural bias in every culture. There are some expressions in the L2 that can be a barrier in the process of teaching or learning as they cannot be translated easily into the other language. There are cultural aspects in both languages that can be problematic to define or comprehend due to subjective and contextual interpretations. For that reason, some people think that teaching a subject through an L2 language that has its own cultural baggage is unnatural and that it may influence students’ national identity; it may change their attitudes and ways of thinking. An example of this could be teaching Peruvian History in English. There is another issue to be mentioned and it refers to this idea found in the European Commission Survey â€Å"Eurydice†(2006) in Ball (2012:34) that says that â€Å"any subject may be chosen for CLIL from among those on offer, meaning that in theory, no subject on the standard curriculum is considered inappropriate or unworkable†. We think that â€Å"in theory†, it is possible to believe that all subjects can be taught through CLIL; however, some of them are too linguistically limited and don’t allow students to express themselves as critically as other subjects do. Therefore, the number of vocabulary and of structures learned by the students will be limited as well. Science based subjects like Chemistry; Physics and Biology are poorer in language than social sciences like History, Geography and literature. Social sciences offer a variety of opportunities for communicative activities that promote analysis and critical thinking. These subjects offer a wide array of contextualized language. In CLIL, the content of subjects should show thematic continuity and conceptual sequencing. The next issue we should think about is the CLIL teacher. There is a controversy on deciding which teachers are the best for teaching CLIL. Is it the subject teacher or the language teacher? One of the main problems of CLIL is that language teachers lack knowledge on the subjects while subject teachers have minimal knowledge of foreign languages. Probably in some ‘English-rich’ sociolinguistic contexts the best answer will be the subject teacher. As being exposed to the target language daily, not only the teachers, but also the students will feel more confident and comfortable with the use of CLIL in the class. But even in these cases that can sound easier and more accessible, proper CLIL training is the key to achieve the goals and objectives required for the subject. In Europe some CLIL training programs are being implemented, there are few specifically designed teacher training programs and not many can have access to them. Unlike the European context, most Peruvian subject teachers lack proficiency or have little knowledge about English, which prevents them to become CLIL teachers. How about language teachers? Can they teach CLIL? Again, proper training is the answer. In Peru, CLIL programs are commonly taught by non-native subject teachers or by language teachers. Most English teachers who work in public schools are not proficient English speakers. In order to overcome this situation, we believe teachers should be given regular opportunities to maintain and improve their English skills. Because the methodology, techniques, materials and task design used in CLIL are new to teachers, they may feel reluctant to try a new teaching approach. We should also consider parents ‘opinions; they may not feel comfortable having an English teacher teaching History or Geography as those subjects are not the area of expertise of a language teacher (Ball, 2012). To solve these inconveniences, compulsory training must be provided. Teachers need to be trained in how CLIL works, in its basic principles (The Holy Trinity), the correct use and design of materials, and proper assessment. According to Ball and Lindsay (2010), this training should take place at the beginning of the academic year to give teachers a general background of the methods and materials to be used during the academic year. During the meetings in the academic year, teachers will observe a class so that they can observe a specific technique and discuss about it. Teachers will also be observed and they will receive appropriate feedback to improve their teaching. Another way of training teachers is the use of ‘adjunct courses’ where there is cooperation between departments. Language and subject teachers develop good practices by working together to build the content and the language to be studied. In addition to training, finding the right materials is another problem CLIL teachers face. Educational books are designed for specific contexts. Many subjects, like the social sciences and the arts, require cultural content which relates directly to the local context. Many language teachers worry about using CLIL materials because they feel they do not have the background knowledge of the subject, and even though the material is only a vehicle for the language, it has to be interesting and relevant to students. As there are not many materials available to teach and there isn’t a book specifically designed to suit each country and each subject according to a precise curricula and culture, teachers have to adapt their own materials that can enhance students’ learning by promoting critical thinking and analysis and enable them to develop their high order skills. Ball (2012) emphasizes learning needs to be significant; people learn languages more efficiently and faster when the materials being used are engaging and authentic. These materials should reflect their environment, their culture and context. This is natural language development which builds on other forms of learning. If the students are involved, then the discussion constitutes real communication. Within this process the language used (functional and topical) will automatically be relevant. Also, there even seems to be a problem to develop materials that can foster the two types of language highlighted by Cummins (1979): BICS or ‘Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills†which is the language required to interact socially with other people, and CALP or ‘Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency’ which is the formal academic learning using the subject content material and considering the four language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing). BICS are usually neglected by teachers. BICS refer to the day-to-day language needed to interact socially with other people, and both are equally important. Learners require knowing and developing these skills, so they can engage themselves in meaningful interactions. In order to avoid this to happen effective training is the key to succeed in the use of CLIL. In CLIL, more emphasis is put on meaning rather than on form. The possibilities of creating exclusive material in our context would imply time and money. It could be a great solution, but only thinking in the very long term. One of the main problems in CLIL is the assessment. It has to be fair and objective, and what will the teacher grade? CLIL is a content-based approach in which learners use the language as a tool for learning, so the focus is on the content and how the students were able to grasp that content using high order skills. The teacher is being fair when assessing the understanding on the content applied to different contexts and pays less attention to the cognitive language level of the students. The language is assessed as the vehicle for expressing the conceptual material. In the case of soft CLIL, the objectives are still based on the content, so we believe that students will be assessed in both language and content, but content will still be the main focus. Furthermore, we believe that in every subject taught in CLIL, BICS and CALP should be given equal importance, teachers should assess both of them. In spite of these difficulties for implementing CLIL in Peru, this new approach does have positive aspects to offer. First of all, CLIL promotes the â€Å"Holy Trinity†that is content, procedure and lexis and structures are integrated and equally important in the learning process. In a task, students work on these 3 aspects in a natural and meaningful way. Students are engaged in the learning process as they are working on a process-led task which makes them responsible of their own learning process. While they are discovering by their own, they are learning content using specific structures and lexis. This new approach of learning will benefit students as they do not have to be too conscious and worried about the language. Ball (2012, p. 57) states that â€Å"the language is not the objective. It does not subordinate the thematic content†. CLIL can help especially some Peruvian students who are too consciously aware of structures which prevent them from learning meaningfully. Moreover, pre-teaching language will not be necessary as the language occurs in its conceptual and functional context promoting inference among students. As CLIL gives students the opportunity to be in charge of their own learning process, it promotes the use of high order skills. According to Ball (2012), when students make use of high order skills such as comparing, criticizing, analyzing, differentiating among others, it is more likely that learning is significant and as consequence students will learn. For this reason, it is important the use of materials which contain process-oriented tasks as they engage students in learning. We believe that CLIL will help Peruvian students to develop and improve their cognitive skills as they are used to memorizing, recognizing, ordering and listing which are low order skills. In this way, CLIL will not only help students become English proficient but it will also help them to become more cognitive skillful in general. Students make use of low order skills mainly due to the use of the traditional grammatical syllabus which is synthetic. Unlike the synthetic syllabus which is based on the analysis of the language to be learned, CLIL is based on the analysis of the learning process. According to Ball (2012), in this new approach, learners are exposed to the language holistically so that the learners will assimilate the input while doing the task and develop an implicit knowledge of rules. As a consequence, students will discover by themselves and will not become too dependent on the teacher’s explanation of grammatical rules as they will learn them implicitly while being exposed to the language and doing the tasks. Another important advantage of using CLIL is the increase of exposure to English. In Peru, English is considered a foreign language so students do not have much exposure except in the classrooms. As it has been mentioned, the hours of English per week in public schools are reduced to a minimum of 2 hours. While in private schools, it can vary depending on the quality of education provided by the school. For this reason, it is important that students are exposed to English in many situations as possible in the school. Using CLIL will not only help solve the problem of lack of exposure but it will also help solve the curriculum constraints. These 2 problems are closely related as there are too many subjects to teach, English suffers a minor presence in the curriculum which is especially the case in public schools. We believe that the ideal subject to introduce CLIL in the school is Computing as students are accustomed to using computers every day, they are familiar with its language which includes many English words. Computing will introduce the students and teachers to the CLIL world smoothly. While students get used to it, teachers can receive appropriate training so that they can teach other subjects in English. To sum up, after having discussed the weaknesses and strengths of this new approach, we do not think that a strong version of CLIL will be the approach for the future in our context; however, a weak version of this approach will be more feasible. In order to succeed, CLIL should be language driven-oriented as students need to develop their content and social skills. We consider that a weak form of CLIL is the best option for our country based on its reduced exposure to the foreign language, difficulties in the educational system and lack of teachers’ training. In order to implement it, we believe that communication among the different areas is essential so that planning of the curriculum is integrated and meaningful for students. In the future, it is likely that this version of CLIL would not be so weak, but training and educational reform are strongly needed so that there would not be much difference regarding the quality of education between the public and the private school. A good CLIL teacher should be competent in the target language as well as in the subject to be taught. Materials also play an important role as they should reflect the students’ context and needs. We believe that CLIL provides certain qualities that prepare students for globalization such as improving language competence, raising awareness of L1 and L2, promoting intercultural knowledge and understanding and increasing learners’ motivation which will prepare students for their future studies and working life. Finally, we expect CLIL to consolidate as the new approach for the future as it considers English a â€Å"core skill†, which is the current way to perceive English. Bibliography BALL, P (Eds) (2012). Content and Language Integrated Learning. FUNIBER. BALL, P LINDSAY, D. (2010). CLIL in Spain. Teacher training for CLIL.
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